Bitcoin: How can I get the wtxid and its corresponding merkle proof of the said wtxid?

Extract WTXID and Merkle Proof with Bitcoind

As a Bitcoin user, you may have encountered cases where you need to check the transactions or data associated with a specific WTXID (ID of the portfolio transaction). Fortunately, there are several ways to get this information using your Bitcoind portfolio. Here’s how:

Method 1: Using the command Gettransction

You can use the Gettransction command to see details about transactions, including WTXID and Merkle Proof.


Bitcoind Gettransction

Replace with the actual WTXID of the transaction you want to check. For example:


Bitcoind Gettransction 0x1234567890ABCDEF


This will show a detailed way out that includes the following information:

  • Transaction ID (WTXID)

  • Block number

  • Block hash

  • Transaction index

  • From an address

  • For addressing

A sum

  • Merkle Root

Method 2: Using the command Gettransction with the —m option

You can also use the 'Gettransction command with the -m option to see transactions on a specific block, including those related to the given WTXID.


Bitcoind Gettransction -M

Replace with the actual WTXID and with a hash of the block containing the transaction you want to check. For example:


Bitcoind Gettransction -M 0x1234567890ABCDEF


Method 3: Using a block researcher

If you cannot retrieve the proof of WTXID and Merkle using “Gettransction”, you can use a block -researcher such as [Blockcypher] ( or [COEINGECO] (https: //www.coingeco. com/en/). These services allow you to search for WTXID transactions and they often provide additional information, such as Merkle’s proof.

Block -Researchers

Although there are many block researchers offered online, some may not be compatible with your Bitcoind portfolio or may require specific permissions. You can try looking for “Block Explorer” along with “Bitcoindor" Gettransction "to find the right options.

For example:

  • Blockcypher: [ Freed (

  • Coingcko: [ ensert (

Extract the proof of WTXID and Merkle without Bitcoind

If you are running Bitcoind, you cannot directly extract the proof of WTXID and Merkle. However, there are several solutions:

  • Use theGettransctioncommand to see transaction details as shown in Method 1.

  • Look for a block transaction, such as blockcypher or Coingcko using WTXID. These services can directly provide Merle's proof.

Keep in mind that these solutions may require additional permissions or configuration with your Bitzelle portfolio.


Bitcoin: How can I get the wtxid and its corresponding merkle proof of the said wtxid?

In this article, we have studied three ways to retrieve the evidence of WTXID and Merkle related to a specific transaction: using the Gettransction command, searching for block researchers transactions and retrievaling information through solutions. If you start Bitcoind, you can use theGettransction` command to see the details or search for block transactions such as Blockcypher or Coingcko.


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