Optimizing Ethereum prices in Maridb: Preventing rounding
In this article, we will explore why the prices of your Ethereum are being rounded when inserted in the Mariadb database. Then we will provide a solution to avoid this and will ensure the accurate storage of the data.
The problem
Let’s take a look at some sample data for demonstration purposes:
“Timestamp”: “2022-02-16t14: 30: 00.000z”,
“Priceusd”: 1.23456789
Note that the price is rounded to 1.23 when inserted into the database using the insertion 'instruction in
The question
This rounding occurs due to the way prices are being stored in a decimal format (for example, float64
). When entering data, the database may not accurately represent the original value due to errors or limitations of rounding in accuracy. As a result, the resulting price is rounded to the nearest integer.
The solution
To avoid this rounding and ensure accurate data storage, we can use the following techniques:
1. Cast as decimal
We can launch the price column for decimal (8.2) instead of
float64. This will allow a more accurate representation of decimal numbers.
import pandas like PD
Sample Data
Data = {
“Timestamp”: [“2022-02-16t14: 30: 00.000Z”, “2022-02-16t15: 01: 45.678Z”],
“Priceusd”: [1.23456789, 1.34567890]
Create a Dataframe
df = pd.dataframe (data)
Cast price column for decimal
DF [“Priceusd”] = DF [“Priceusd”]. Astype (“decimal”)
Enter data into the database
df.to_sql (“my_table”, con = mecan
2. Use decimal library
Alternatively, we can use the decimal library 'in Python to deal with decimal arithmetic and avoid rounding.
decimal import
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal, GetContext
Defines accuracy for decimal operations
GetContext (). Prec = 20
Sample Data
Data = {
“Timestamp”: [“2022-02-16t14: 30: 00.000Z”, “2022-02-16t15: 01: 45.678Z”],
“Priceusd”: [decimal (“1.23456789”), decimal (“1.34567890”]]]]]
Create a Dataframe
df = pd.dataframe (data)
Converting price columns into decimal
for column in df.columns:
If Isinstance (DF [column] .dtype, float):
DF [column] = df [column] .astype (decimal)
3. Update column type
If the column type is already defined as Float64
, we can update it to the decimal using the following syntax:alter table my_table modify decimal column (8,2);
By applying one of these techniques, you will be able to avoid rounding and ensure accurate data storage to your Mariadb Database. Remember to adjust the column type according to your specific requirements.
Example of use of cases
- Streaming Ethereum Prices with
API: You can use this technique to display high frequency price data accurately.
- Historical Price Analysis: Precise representation of prices is crucial for statistical analysis and visualizations.
By following these steps, you can optimize your database scheme to store Ethereum prices accurately.
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