Ethereum: Python Binance API Call list

Ethereum API Call List: Retrieving Order Data


As a beginner, it’s great that you’re eager to start exploring the Ethereum API. Here’s an article on how to retrieve order data using Python and the Binance API.


Before we dive into the code, make sure you have:

  • A Binance API account (create one at [](

  • The python-binance library installed (pip install python-binance)

  • Basic knowledge of Python and API calls

Retrieving Order Data using Python

We’ll use the binance Futures class from the python-binance library to retrieve order data. Here’s the code:

import json

from datetime import date

Ethereum: Python Binance API Call list

Set your Binance API credentials

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Set your API endpoint and base URL

base_url = " api/v3/futures"

endpoint = "/opens"

Set the order symbol (e.g., ETH/USDT)

symbol = "ETH/USDT"

def get_open_orders(api_key, api_secret):

Create a Binance API object with your credentials

client = binance.Client(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

Retrieve open orders for the specified symbol

response = client.futures.getOpenOrders(endpoint=endpoint, symbol=symbol)

data = json.loads(response.body)

Return only the required order data (symbol, price, origQty, site)

return [data["contract"]["symbol"], data["open"], data["origQty"], data["site"]]

Retrieve and print order data for ETH/USDT

orders = get_open_orders(api_key, api_secret)

for symbol, price, origQty, _ in orders:

print(f"Symbol: {symbol}, Price: {price:.4f}, OrigQty: {origQty}")


  • We create a Binance API object with your credentials.

  • We set the endpoint and base URL for our API request (e.g., api/v3/futures).

  • We specify the order symbol (ETH/USDT in this example).

  • We retrieve open orders using the getOpenOrders method.

  • We parse the response JSON data and return only the required order data (symbol, price, origQty, site).

Example Use Cases

  • Monitoring order activity for a specific pair

  • Analyzing market trends by retrieving historical order data

  • Creating trading bots or automations using open orders as triggers

Remember to replace YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET with your actual Binance API credentials. Also, be aware of the Binance API rate limits and adjust your code accordingly.

Hope this helps you get started with retrieving order data from the Ethereum API!

Ethereum Usdt Trades


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