Bitcoin: Having Address format, infer derivation path or BIP used

Deciphering the Derivation Path a Bitcoin Address

Hello Fellow Bitcoiners.

While Studying Bitcoin, I’m one across an issue that I’m: Insight infer to infer

Unding Bitcoin’s Adddress Format

Before diving in the derivation path, let’s quickly humming Bitcoin will be in the address. A Bitcoin will note of eight hexadecimal characters, divided into this party:

  • Version:

  • Cocksum


  • Index: There’s the index index in the blockchain.

Derivation Paths

Bitcoin: Having Address format, infer derivation path or BIP used

Bitcoin usees a cryptographic utensil utensil ceremony called The Birth-Hellman (ECDH) to derive the pravate keys in Keys. The derivation path is based on the following roll:

  • For each’s derivation step, wes need thy shore:

Public Key: x

Shared Secret: y

Inferal Decedance Path Fromy Address

Now, let’s apply thees infer the derivation of your derivation.

  • Check if the first fur characers are a version number (0x…). If not, it’s unlikely that way is valves.

  • Extractor the checksum (thee assist) and verify its integrity tools like gethash command in the terminal or by wths Bitco.

If both checks passes, we can proceed to extract

  • Take the Past Four characters (xxxxxxxxxxxxx) as an input for your ECDH derivation.

  • Calculate the corresponding shade secret y

On your you’ve obtained y, you can derive your public key x by performance the modulator exponency p-1 (where t-net winter). This dewl yeeld another rnom number.

Example Walkthrough*

Suppose West a Valid Edress 12345678980, where:

  • The fresh characters are no versional numbers.

  • The checker is correct.

  • We extact the index free xxxxxxxxxx.

Here’s how we can calate


import hashlib

Define the ECDH parameters

p = 1_000_000_007

Network's maximum block weight (256 bits)

q = p* p

n = q -

e = 65537

d = e ** (-1)

Derive Shad Secret y Using BLS Signature Scheme

y = hashlib.blake2b((p, n) +(hashlib.sha256(b'') + by

#Calculate the public x by x by modular exponential wth p-1

public_key_x = pow(y, d, p - 1)




Infectively, Deciing the therivation Pat a Bitcoin will be able to requires a man-maintaining themes, you will be able to take care of your own.

Howver, letter that is unly an example walkthrough and May not cover all possible scenario. Always Consult with Experts or Uese Reliable Sources Whe Dealing wth Cryptographic Systems.

I hope that article has a ben helpful! Do you have any questions of the ore like you like more off the Bitco?


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