Ethereum: How to access API data for lead traders on Binance (Copy Trading)?

Ethereum: How to access API data for Lead dealers on Binance (copy trading) to **

As a dealer who are things the Binance Copy Trading Platform, you are probally interested in analyzing and predicating logs. Howver, one of the biggest challenges is to access the necessary the via the public APIs of Binance.

In this article we we are exame the Ethereum Blockchain -API is used to access Binance (copy trading) on ​​Lead -Trader date.

Whin not enough binances пublic apis not enugh

The public APIs of Binance isal for collecting the general market and merchant. However, they do not provide detained information the performance of individual heres or ther ther thee. In the order to achieve a deeper, it’s brand and makemark -founded dates, you mus-thecs the understands the understands.

The Ethereum Blockchain Api

The Ethereum Blockchain is a decentralized over source platform that off, a securre and transparent One of the must powerful APIs is “Ether.Js” library, it that language developpers can interact with the Etherum wth JavaScript.

To access Binance (Copy Trading) on ​​Lead -Trader data, you must the Ethereum Blockchain -API. Here is a tep-by-step instructions:

  • Install the ether.js library

    Ethereum: How to access API data for lead traders on Binance (Copy Trading)?

First install the “Ethers.js” library by carrying out the following in yourmand in your terminal:


NPM install ether

  • ** Set up your Binance -API registration information

Before is accessing the API, you need to set up your Binance -API registration information. You can do by creating an account via Binance and generating a new API key.



"Apikey": "Your_api_Key",



  • Create a contract

To access the manager data, you must of the crate a conscript that interacts with the Ethereum Blockchain -API. You can through the “Ethers.js” library to create a new conscript.


Const Web3 = demands (‘Web3’);

Const Ethers = demand (‘Ethers’);

// Set up your Binance -API registration information

Const apikey = “your_api_key”;

Const apiscretid = “your_api_secret_id”;

// Create a new web3 instance

Const web3 = new web3 (new ether.providers.jsonrpcprovider (


// Define youror contraact ABI (Aplication Board interface)

Const Abi = {

// … contraact functions and variables …


// create a new conscript

Asynchrical function Createcontraction () {

Const Contraactabi = expects (ABI);

Const Contraction = New ether.contraction (



Web3.tobuffer (Apikey)


// Get the main of Binance from Binances API

Const Leds = Wait in Contract on Instaunce.Leadraders ();

Returning editions;



  • Call the leadtraders () function .

As soon as you has been created the contraction, you can can up the “LeadTraders ()function on the Lead -Trader date.


Const leads = Waiting cratecontraction ();

console.log (gudes);


Example uses

Here is an example -application that show to how to access -Trader Data thee the library “Ethers.js”:


Asynchrical function main () {

// Set up your Binance -API registration information

Const apikey = “your_api_key”;

Const apiscretid = “your_api_secret_id”;

// Create a new web3 instance

Const web3 = new web3 (new ether.providers.jsonrpcprovider (


// Define youror contraact ABI (Aplication Board interface)

Const Abi = {

// … contraact functions and variables …


// create a new conscript

Asynchrical function Createcontraction () {

Const Contraactabi = expects (ABI);

Const Contraction = New ether.contraction (





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