Ethereum: What are the hex and asm field values in the JSON decoded from a raw transactions?

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Understanding the Hex and ASM Fields in Ethereum Transactions

When you use the bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction command to decode a raw transaction from a hexadecimal string, you’re likely curious about the contents of each field. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Ethereum transactions and explore what the hex and asm fields represent.

Hex Fields: The Basics

In Bitcoin, when a transaction is broadcast or mined, it’s represented in a compact format using 64-bit numbers (32 bytes). Each field in the transaction represents a specific piece of information. One such field is the hex field, which contains the raw hex-encoded data for the transaction.

The hex field typically consists of a sequence of 4-byte hexadecimal values, separated by commas or spaces. For example:


"0x..." : {

"0x01" : ...,

"0x02" : ...



asm Fields: The Secret Language

The asm field is a crucial component of Ethereum transactions that allows you to specify custom assembly code. It’s essentially a string that contains the assembly language instructions that will be executed on the Ethereum blockchain.

When decoding a raw transaction, the asm field is typically represented as a hexadecimal value within square brackets [], prefixed with a colon : and followed by several hexadecimal values separated by commas.


"0x..." : {

"[...] : [...]",




This notation allows you to define custom assembly code that will be executed on the Ethereum blockchain.

Hex Fields: Decoding the Values

When decoding a raw transaction using bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction, you can pass in a hexadecimal string as an argument, like this:

bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction 0x1234567890abcdef

The output will be a JSON object that contains the decoded fields, including both hex and asm values.

In our example, the decoderawtransaction command outputs a JSON object with the following structure:


"hex": "0x1234567890abcdef",

"asm": "[...] : [...]"


The value of hex is simply the raw hexadecimal string passed in as an argument.

asm Fields: Decoding the Values

Ethereum: What are the hex and asm field values in the JSON decoded from a raw transactions?

To decode the asm field, you’ll need to pass in a JSON object with a key-value pair where the first key is "0x..." (the same as the hex field) and the second value is another JSON object containing the assembly code:


"0x..." : {

"[...] : [...]"



For example, if your JSON output looks like this:


"hex": "0x1234567890abcdef",

"asm": "{...} : {...}"


You can decode the asm field by passing in a JSON object with a key-value pair where the first key is "0x..." and the second value is another JSON object containing the assembly code:

bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction 0x1234567890abcdef "{[...] : [...]}"

The output will be a JSON object that represents the custom assembly code executed on the Ethereum blockchain.

In summary, hex fields represent raw hexadecimal data encoded in a compact format, while asm fields are a special type of field that contains custom assembly language instructions. When decoding a raw transaction using bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction, you can pass in either a hex or an asm string as an argument to specify which values to include in the output JSON object.


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