Ethereum: What motivates nodes (or miners) to relay transactions?

Motivations behind the relay: Understanding the Ethereum node behavior

As one of the most important and complex blockchain networks, Ethereum has become an ecosystem where nodes or minors are responsible for the validation and revival of transactions. But what pushes these nodes to retrieve all the transactions that are presented to them? In this article, we will immerse ourselves in motivations behind the behavior of Ethereum nodes.

Transaction Costs

One of the main reasons why the nodes transmit a transaction is to increase the total network value. The transaction costs obtained from each transaction are deterrent for malicious participants to try to handle the network or start 51% of the attacks. Чрез предаване на транзакции възлите могат да спечелят дял от тези разходи, което добавя към техните маржове на бенефициента.

Тази мотивация обаче сама не обяснява напълно защо възлите пренасят всяка транзакция. Нека разгледаме по -отблизо основните фактори, които стимулират поведението на възела на Ethereum:

Optional transaction costs

Както споменахте във въпроса си, миньорите не се изисква да включват всички транзакции в техния блок, освен ако не отговарят на определени критерии. Това означава, че възлите могат да избират транзакциите, които да включват и които изключват, в зависимост от тяхната стратегия за увеличаване на транзакционните разходи.

The meaning of network congestion

Възлите трябва да балансират необходимостта от препредаване на възможно най -много транзакции с риска от задръстване на мрежата. Ако възелът включва твърде много транзакции, мрежата може да бъде задръстена, което води до по -бавни времена на транзакции и намаляване на общата стойност на мрежата.

To relieve this risk, nodes use different strategies, such as:

* Relay based on the threshold : nodes may determine the threshold to include certain types of transactions or block sizes. If the node includes less than the required number of transactions, it will relay them.

* High value transactions only : Nodes can choose to retrieve higher value transactions that are more likely to attract more minors.

The role of the network scalability

With the development of Ethereum Network and the new nodes, they join the melee, the need for nodes to retain less transactions increases. In fact, the increase in the number of users and nodes requires more capacity to manage the influx of data.


In conclusion, the motivations behind the behavior of Ethereum nodes are multifaceted. Although transaction costs provide a major driving force, other factors such as overload and scales of the network also play an important role in determining transactions that have been transmitted.

By understanding these basic factors, we can better understand the strategies used by the nodes to increase our income while maintaining a healthy and efficient network.

Related Resources

  • Official Blog of Ethereum: [ (

  • Ethereum White Book: [



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