Ethereum: Can’t get my OpenZepplin based contract from Remix to verify and publish on

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Ethereum: Can’t Get My Openzepplin-Based Contract from Remix to Verify and Publish On

Trying to get my openzepplin-based contract running on remix, but I’m having trouble verifying and publishing it on The Contract, which is encountered some issues that need to be addressed.

The Problem: Main Contract Issues

When I get an error message indicating that the main contract is not deployed correctly. Specifically, I’m seeing this error:

Error: error 0x8d6f24e7b5a1c2cd0979eb4b3f7ac3dc5b76b5f94af35ad6bfc4bfecf74c45

My contract code and deployed it correctly, but not sure why remix is ​​reporting these issues.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Here are some potential causes and solutions that might be helping or hindering your progress:

  • IncorRect main contract deployment :



Step-by-Step Solution

To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend following these steps:



  • Check remix configuration : Verify that remix is ​​configured correctly on your local machine by checking its settings in the “Settings” menu.

Publishing to

If you are still experience issues after resolving these potential causes, here are some additional steps you can take:

  • Publish your contract as a deployable

    Ethereum: Can't get my OpenZepplin based contract from Remix to verify and publish on

    : make sure to publish your contract as a deployable on remix.


Following these steps, Good Luck!


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