Metamask: When a wrong network in MetaMask is active, how to prevent from or warn the user?

Metamask: preventing wrong network incidents and alerting users

As a frequent metamask user, you are probably aware of the importance of having the right cryptocurrency wallet configured on your device. However, it is essential to be aware of the potential safety risks that may occur when using an incorrect metamask network. In this article, we will discuss how to prevent and alert users about wrong networks in Metamask.

What is a wrong network?

A wrong network in Metamask refers to the cryptocurrency network you are trying to use with your wallet. This can happen accidentally or intentionally during the test phases, such as performing tests on a new network.

Symptoms of a wrong network:

Before we dive into solutions, it is essential to know the symptoms of a wrong network:

  • A transaction (TX) is successfully processed, but you do not receive confirmation.

  • Your wallet does not display an error message indicating that the network was incorrect.

  • You receive a notification from Metamask or a cryptocurrency platform that the network is low.

Predicting wrong network incidents:

To avoid wrong network incidents, follow these steps:

  • Activate MetaMask Intelligent Contract Checker : In Metamask Settings> Wallet Settings> Network Selection. Enable this feature to help detect and block incorrect networks.

  • Use a network switch : When setting up a new wallet or switching between networks, use the “networker” feature on Metamask. This will allow you to quickly alternate between different networks without manually defining each one as your standard network.

  • Configure multiple wallets

    Metamask: When a wrong network in MetaMask is active, how to prevent from or warn the user?

    : Configure multiple wallets with different networks; Therefore, if one fails, another can take its place.

Users warning about wrong networks:

When a wrong network is detected, the metamask will display a warning alerting the user:

  • “Error: Selected Incorrect Network. Try again.”

  • “Your wallet has been configured to use the incorrect network. Non -processed transaction”.

To further alert users and avoid errors, you may also consider the implementation of additional security measures, such as:

  • Implementing a “network switch” feature : When switching between metamask networks, it should automatically alternate the transaction to the correct network.

  • Showing error messages clearly : Make sure the error messages displayed by Metamask are clear and concise so that users know what is happening.


Prevention of wrong network incidents is crucial to maintaining the safety of your cryptocurrency wallet. By following these steps, you can protect yourself from errors and ensure a soft experience with Metamask. If you are testing new networks, use the Smart Contract Checker feature and configure multiple wallets to avoid errors.

As for the NFT coinage test you mentioned earlier, it is worth noting that the sister -in -law, the platform your user was trying to use, announced plans to support Goerli as a network in the future. This means that users can expect better performance and more reliable transactions on the Goerli network when it supports.

By being aware of the potential risks associated with Metamask wrong networks, you can take proactive measures to protect yourself and ensure a safe and secure on -line experience.

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